In the Words of the Boy Who Never Grew Up…

I never actually thought Peter Pan‘s life philosophy would resonate with me so much.

I wish I could never grow up. If only Neverland were a real place. Being a grown-up is not all the glitz and glamour I’d imagined as a child. I have never realized this more than at this stage of my life. I feel like I’m constantly being weighed down by bills, bills, bills. Life was so much easier when you lived at home and didn’t have to worry about any bills, that was your parents responsibility.

The most painful realization I’ve recently come to: the worst is yet to come. When I fully enter the real world (no, I wouldn’t exactly say I’m in it 100% yet), I’ll have school loans to pay back, health insurance, car insurance, cell phone bills, rent, the list goes on and on.

Here’s my most recent fantasy: staying in college forever.

However, that’s not realistic and soon I’ll be a real-life grown-up. Which means that while the bills stack up now, someday soon there will be many more, so I might as well enjoy it while it lasts!